Black Walnut Hulled Powder

  • $4.85

  • Availability: In Stock

Botanical:  Juglans nigra Other common names:  Walnut, Greek Nut, Carya, Jupiter's Nut Country of Origin: United States. Rich in vitamin C and other important nutrients, Black Walnut Hull is an exceptional laxative that relieves constipation and promotes bowel regularity.  It is also thought to lower blood pressure and cholesterol   levels, as well as burn off...


Botanical:  Juglans nigra

Other common names:  Walnut, Greek Nut, Carya, Jupiter's Nut

Country of Origin: United States.

Rich in vitamin C and other important nutrients, Black Walnut Hull is an exceptional laxative that relieves constipation and promotes bowel regularity.  It is also thought to lower blood pressure and cholesterol   levels, as well as burn off fatty materials and toxins in the blood.   Black Walnut Hull is often used to expel internal parasites, including ringworms, pinworms and tapeworms, and its antiviral qualities may even do away with troublesome warts!

Beneficial Uses:
Black Walnut Hull is highly valued as a very effective herbal laxative and used to relieve constipation and to promote bowel regularity.  It is strongly purgative, but at the same time is considered safe.

Black Walnut Hull cleanses the body of many types of parasites.  It expels intestinal parasites during the normal course of laxative-induced cleansing of the body; and the hulls' high tannin and juglone content is believed to oxygenate the blood and kill parasites.  Black Walnut Hull is particularly effective against pinworm, tapeworm and ringworm infestation.

Black Walnut Hull is said to be a fine antiviral that is effective in removing warts, which are growths caused by viruses.  It may also be helpful in cases of herpes virus and cold sores.

As an antifungal, Black Walnut Hull is thought to be an excellent treatment for fungal infection, relieving leprosy-type skin diseases, athlete's foot and Candida albicans.  Topically, a salve of Black Walnut has helped to alleviate nail fungus.

Black Walnut Hull is considered an antiseptic with antibacterial agents in the essential oil (juglone) and a high organic iodine content that combats infectious micro-organisms and bacterial infection.   It has been used to combat malaria, syphilis, boils, acne and other bacterial infections.

Black Walnut Hull may help to lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels and is believed to burn up toxins and fatty materials while balancing blood sugar levels.  This activity may help to ward off heart disease.

The tannins in Black Walnut Hull (and Leaves) possess an astringent quality that is thought to shrink the sweat glands and reduce excessive sweating.  The herb is said to help control menorrhagia, the excessive loss of blood during periods.  It is also used to control diarrhea.

Black Walnut Hull is considered a tonic that aids digestion and the intestinal system.  It helps to relieve colic, heartburn and flatulence.  As a cholagogue, Black Walnut stimulates the flow of bile into the intestines and is thought to ease bilious colic and pain in the spleen.

Based on Turkish folk medicine, the husks or leaves of Walnut species may be beneficial for internal use in the treatment of glandular disorders including thyroid problems.

Currently, there are no major warnings or contraindications with the use of Black Walnut Hull, but because of the lack of research, little is known about the potential side effects of Black Walnut Hulls or Leaves.  However, allergy to tree nuts is common, and allergic reactions to Walnuts have taken place.  People who are allergic to other nuts, especially pecans, may also react to Walnuts or Walnut products.  Because there is a high tannin content in Black Walnut, it should not be used on a continual basis.

This extract was taken from Visit the site for further reading.


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