Hemp is commonly used term for high-growing industrial varieties of the Cannabis plant and its products, which include flour, protein, tea, oil, and seed. Hemp is refined into products such as hemp seed foods, hemp oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper, and fuel.
Hemp is not to be confused with the close relative cannabis, which is also a Cannabis plant, but is widely used as a recreational drug and medicine. These variants are typically low-growing and have higher content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol; (CBD), and other cannabinoids
Our hemp flour is plant-based and naturally gluten-free. It is a great alternative for vegetarians, vegans and people with gluten-intolerance. Most gluten-free ingredients lack in protein, fiber, iron, and Omega 3 or folate. Hemp protein powders and flour are the only ones that contain all five nutrients.
Hemp flour doesn’t rise and therefore is not a flour that can be used in bread on its own, you would need to mix it with other flours, unless you are making a flat bread or a cracker. A 3:1 ratio produces a hearty heavy loaf all the way to a 7:1 ratio which produces basically a loaf of bread with hemp flecks in it.
Hemp Flour is:
- A source of protein
- Very high in fibre
- Full of B vitamins including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and folate
Nutritional Benefits:
- Four tablespoons of hemp flour (32 g) provides:
- 14 g of dietary fiber
- 11 g of protein
- More than 15% of the recommended daily intake for thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate
- More than 25% of the recommended daily intake
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Product of Canada