Botanical: Carica papaya
Other common names: Papaw, Mamao, Paw-Paw, Tree Melon, Gandul, Fan Kua
Papaya Leaf contains a remarkable protein-dissolving enzyme called papain, and if you suffer from indigestion or heartburn, give Papaya Leaf a try! The enzyme in Papaya Leaf also breaks down wheat gluten and carbohydrates for extra digestive protection.
Country of Origin: India
Beneficial Uses:
Papaya Leaf's enzyme, papain, not only digests protein, but it extends its activity to digesting carbohydrate. Papain also helps to break down wheat gluten, which may be helpful for those suffering from Celiac disease; and those who have difficulty digesting starchy foods, such as breads, cereals and potatoes, might find great relief in including Papaya in their diets.
The papain in Papaya is thought to relieve acute prostate inflammation and may be very helpful in cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Clinical studies in Russia found that papain treatment reversed rectal lesions induced by extreme prostate enlargement in over 97 percent of the men treated.
The papain in Papaya is currently undergoing studies to investigate its efficacy in treating the herpes simplex virus and herpes zoster (shingles).
Another papayan enzyme, chymopapain, has been used in the treatment of slipped spinal disc and pinched nerves.
Since many stomach problems are the direct result of indigestion, use of Papaya appears to help prevent many ailments. It stimulates digestive acids and the production of bile, which may also lead to a healthier liver and pancreas.
People who take blood medication (Sulfinpyrazone) or blood thinning medication (Coumadin, aspirin, etc.) should consult with their physicians before taking this herb, as it may have anticoagulant properties. Pregnant women should avoid Papaya Leaf, as it can be a uterine stimulant (papain apparently dissolves a protein(s) responsible for adhering the newly fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus). Papaya in all its forms should never be taken by people with a latex allergy (causing anaphylactic shock). Inhaling Papaya powder (high in the enzymes, papain and chymopapain, can induce allergies. Although papain digests carbohydrates, potato protein may cause papain to not work as well when taken at the same time.