Almonds are a rich source of oil, with values ranging between 36 to 60% of kernel dry mass (table).
The oil is good for application to the skin as an emollient, and has been traditionally used by Massage Therapist to lubricate the skin during a massage session. Almond oil on skin works with both sensitive and normal skin and improves the complexion to retain and restore the skin’s natural glow. It moisturizes the skin and can also prevent rashes, burns and soreness of any kind with its mineral and vitamin qualities. Skin infections, irritations and sun burns can be cured with almond oil assistance. Sweet almond oil for skin treats rashes and impurities and softens the skin leaving a nice clean feel.
Suggested Usage:
Dry and chapped lips:
When faced with dry and chapped lips, the worst thing is to lick them as this removes all the natural oils produced by the lips. Rubbing on anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and moisturising sweet almond oil two or three times a day will be sure to soothe, soften and lubricate the dryness of the lips. Sweet almond oil locks in the natural oils produced and keeps dry and chapped lips from occurring by moisturizing and revitalising.
Dry, flaky and irritated skin:
Sweet almond oil for skin benefits and nourishes the skin and prevents diseases like acne and general skin disease from occurring soothes irritation and inflammation. Almond oil for dry skin is created using fatty acids which enables the dissolution of these substances and renews the cleansing of the pores in reparation of the damage to the skin.
As a body oil and moisturizer:
As a general body oil and moisturizer, when applied daily, leaves a soft feel and moisturizes the depth of the skin. It is said to delay aging processes and cures the body from any irritation of the skin. Almond oil for oily skin is helpful in many ways due to it leaving a more satisfied feel; the only way to get rid of oil is with another oil substance.
For aromatherapy and massage:
Almond oil on skin is the most popular choice when massaging or for aromatherapy, its easily spreading features nourishes and serves as excellent carrier oil due to the smell being subtle. It allows the skin to soften and for the person massaging to soothe the pores and muscles right beneath the skin.
Almond oil for stretch marks:
Sweet almond oil for skin is an emollient and therefore it will strengthen and nourish. When massaging with almond oil, blood circulation is strengthened and replenished, preventing stretch marks. It hides the appearance (no surgery needed) and is highly beneficial.
All hair types:
Sweet almond oil is beneficial for any hair type as it reduces the amounts of split ends and dry appearances. By adding shine and colour, it revitalises the hair by preventing any outbreaks of grey hair and refines hair cuticles and roots, making the hair more flowing and beauteous.
Nourishes Skin
Body Oil & Moisturizer
Fades Stretch Marks
Hair Revitalizer
General Health Care
Ingredient: Organic Almond Kernel (Seed)